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Open Space Commission Minutes 05/14/2011
Town of Old Lyme
Open Space Committee
Meeting Minutes
Friday May 14th
Chairman Diana Atwood Johnson called to order the meeting at 8:45am. With the OSC members Ted Kiritsis, Teri Lewis, Amanda Blair, Bruce Baratz, and Peter Cable
New Business-none
Old Business- Amanda talked to the planning commission about the scenic easement. It is now under talks with the planning commission on how to proceed forward.
Trail Booklet- Lisa Nicholi is a Forrester and member of the Gateway Commission. OSC is looking into having her assist in the reviewing process for the final design of the trail booklet. OSC has been talking about the budget for such services and how we will raise or allocate the money for this.
Marianne went to Hammonasett Park to look into different receptacles for the dog waste issue on trails.
Officer’s update- Diana is all set for the PowerPoint presentation for the upcoming meeting for the Ames property.  Christine Clayton, from Old Lyme  Land Trust has confirmed the grant is available to be transferred. When the Ames property is purchased the project would close soon after the Town Hall Meeting and vote.
Eagle Scout project- TJ Lynch, an Eagle Scout candidate met with Diana to discuss the Blue Bird Project along the power lines on the Ames and Champlain North Preserves. TJ will organize the entire project, including securing the materials, building the bird housings, placing the birdhouses and monitoring the boxes. He is preparing a proposal to be submitted to the scout masters and signed off on by the Open Space Commission.

Subdivision-Broadbrook Estates is no longer a subdivision. It will no longer be completed and this subdivision is now expired. Therefore, the approximately 15 acres of Open Space will not be coming to the town.
Meeting adjourned at 10:15.

Respectfully submitted

Teri Lewis, Secretary